Indian Grocery Stores Producing Culture and Nostalgia in The Indian Diaspora

Indian grocery stores have expanded across the Canada as the South Asian diaspora has grown here over the years. Catering to the wider South Asian population, Indian grocery stores produce culture away from the homeland. These stores invoke nostalgia over a place once visited or lived, and provide a place of familiarity for some, through the environment and the products sold, that create a deep connection our evoke memories. Indian grocers sell a variety of products, not limited to food items . South Asians living outside of Indian shopping hubs in Canada often drive out to them specifically to buy the things they cannot find elsewhere. Customers can take comfort in seeing the same products they cooked with back home. Shoppers find it easier to communicate with employees and even strike up conversations with other customers, creating a social space for the community that is designed just for them. Commodities sold in these stores bring back memories, and these stories can b...